Saturday, September 10, 2011

Twintastic Beauty

I had to wonderful honor to be the first person to ever do custom, digital photography on these two absolutely beautiful girls. Their mom is so dear to my heart - she's like my sister. She inspires me in not only life but as a parent - I look up to her for the wonderful mama that she is. I introduce to you these beautiful, smart, giddy and heart warming twins Em & Er.&nbs...

Friday, July 15, 2011

Miss Olivia


Friday, July 1, 2011

Miss Kloe - oh how I love Miss Kloe

Oh my goodness! Can I just tell you that babies CAPTURE ME! Sure I might be the one with the camera capturing moments for their parents to always have with them, but in the end THEY capture me. Miss Kloe is beautiful beyond words, and is blessed with an amazing loving mama!! I had so much fun with her mama while capturing her - can you believe she didn't know that there were days as a mom where we'd actually forget to brush our teeth?! YUP - she has discovered ALL the joys of parenting. But the love she has for this girl is written not only all over her face, but gleaming out of her eyes. I can't wait until the next time I get to get Miss Kloe in front of my lens. ...

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